Apple’s Phil Schiller calls Android smartphones inferior to iPhone

Apple’s Phil Schiller calls Android smartphones inferior to iPhone
A mere day before Samsung‘s Galaxy S IV launch event in New York City, Apple‘s Phil Schiller has tossed out some Android-bashing statements, saying that devices like Samsung’s wildly popular smartphones that run the operating system are inferior to the iPhone. Not to leave it at that, however, he rolls out some numbers to back up his claims.

According to Mr. Schiller, Apple’s research demonstrates that among iPhone users, four times as many converted to Apple’s handset from Android than vice versa – iPhone users switching to Android. Such statements follow on the heels of growing pressure from the company’s competitors.

According to market research firm IDC, Apple clocked in at 19-percent of smartphones shipped worldwide last year, with approximately 70-percent for smartphones running Android. The same firm says to expect that Android tablets will outnumber the shipment of iPads in 2013, as well. Schiller isn’t swayed by such numbers, however, stating that marketshare isn’t everything. “I’m not sure that the estimates and the modeling accurately gives an accurate picture of it all.”

Back on March 7, Schiller sent out a tweet to F-Secure’s Mobile Threat Report, which detailed Android malware and security problems. He advised Android users to “be safe out there,” all the while giving a passive jab at Google’s mobile operating system. Earlier today, he pointed out that more iPhone users self-report as being satisfied with their device than Android users.

Ultimately, Apple is up against some stiff competition from Samsung and Android, and the less-than-24-hours-away unveiling of the Galaxy S IV will only heighten that reality. As Gartner analyst Van Baker pointed out: “The Galaxy S III is already a very strong offering, and the S IV will obviously offer more things that appeal to users.”
