Nokia Kinetic Concept

Nokia Kinetic Concept
                On a more serious note, here’s more info on the Nokia Kinetic – a seriously playful mobile phone for 2012. The reason behind the erection is an electromagnet in the base of the phone that allows a weight to be shifted, causing the phone to stand up. Digital information gets converted into kinetic movement!
Other features include:
  • Camera capture button at bottom right of phone means you grip the phone like an SLR camera when taking a photo.
  • Standby mode is perfectly balanced; Screen is raised from the surface.
  • Top half is 8mm in thickness with bottom being 18mm.
  • The shape and weight at the bottom of the phone mean ergonomically it is much better to hold than other phones.
  • 2 taps on power button allows you to manually set stand up mode. (For a clock on your desk, a digital photoframe, or to play music).
  • Proximity sensor on front of the phone, means that the stand up feature does not activate when in your pocket.
This is a student project done for Nokia at Central Saint Martins Collge of Art & Design
Design Tutor: Silas Grant
Designer: Jeremy Innes-Hopkins
