Transparent Futuristic Tablet Concept, Created by Thomas Laenner

            I’ve seen my share of transparent phones or tablets till now, but each new one still surprises me. An example is the slate created by Thomas Laenner, who imagined a futuristic tablet with a transparent display and augmented reality features. Mind you that we had no description to go with these images, so I had to interpret them and draw the conclusions.

For one thing there’s no famous OS in action here, although the simplistic nature of the interface used on the transparent tablet makes me think of Nokia and MeeGo somehow… This looks like a business tablet, one that’s ideal to use on a construction site, when an engineer is up on top on a hill and watching where the future building will be built, using augmented reality tech. Seeing that these images show me that the display is simply a sheet of glass, I Imagine that components such as memory, CPU and camera and integrated into the metallic frames keeping the glass in place.

I’m sure that gesture control is involved here, aside from the big touchscreen that’s available. A nifty aspect is that you can take apart the screen part and the two metal frames and store them separately, so you can carry the device more easily when you travel. I guess that you can also attach those metallic parts to other gadgets and the glass display as well… Simplistic design and minimalism are the key factors here, in building a futuristic tablet.
