MIU COLOR™ Wood Grain LED Alarm Clock - Time
Temperature Date - Sound Control
COLOR™ is based on the theme of " slow life ", simple,
environmentally friendly, comfortable daily necessities for consumers
everywhere, focusing on the development and extension of the day-to-day
supplies, products ranging from home, office, travel, to clothing. MIU COLOR™ stores cover all over
the world, and provide a relaxing and harmonious, natural enjoyment for the
fans of " slow life " to enjoy the sun, air, water,exercise and the
source of life and health. Product Description: Brand: MIU COLOR Name: Wood
Grain LED Alarm Clock Material: This Clock is made of MDF wood (not real wood)
and graining coating Color: White LED Light Size: 217mm(high) x 100mm(medium) x
90mm(low) Weight: 495g
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